

   I'm a PhD student in Classics working on a variety of personal Classical projects. I am interested in ancient music and play the Greek lyre. I am also interested in textile production and art both in antiquity and today. I am semi-active in the world of spoken Greek and Latin (and my lack of activity should not be read as lack of endorsement!). I hope to continuing producing lots of Classically inspired music for the world, as well as beginner and intermediate language resources. Check out the tabs above for the various projects I am working on. Hopefully there will be much more to come, especially in terms of resources you can use!

CAMWS 2024 Ancient Textiles workshop

Thursday, April 4 I organized and presented a workshop 'Ancient Greek Textile Production in Action' at CAMWS 2024 in St. Louis.  I was joined by two wonderful archaeologists, Dr. Laura Gawlinski and Dr. Laura Mazow. Dr. Mazow presented on fiber preparation, and Dr. Gawlinski presented on weaving on the warp-weighted loom and using textile tools and knowledge in the classroom. I presented on ancient Greek spinning. Afterwards, we had a wonderful time leading some interactive stations where people got to try weaving, spinning, felting, etc.  Attached here are my slides on spinning, in case they can be of use to anybody. I am always excited to talk about modern or ancient fiber arts so certainly let me know if you have any questions.

A poem in Alcaic stanzas, inspired by the Davidias, a hexameter translation of the story of David by Marcus Marulus

Ionathas Dāvīdī sub sōle flōrēs herbaque fluctuant, tū sōlus abdis tē tenebrās gerēns. rectā sagittae transvolentur ut speciem videam nitentem. mē quaere, quaesō, dum peto ego ipse tē, ostende amōrem, sī maneat fidēs ulla et velīs ab aegrimonjā carpere mē miserum sevērā. sanguis tuus sit vīta mea usque adhuc, cor ūnum et aequum semper erit caput. numquam per inconstantiamve invidiamve patris cadēmus. cunctāre mēcum tempore, amor, brevī. immō, relinque prōtinus hunc locum. dēfendere et tē praesidēre nōn satis est mihi iam potestās. ōlim dedistī tē mihi foedere, nunc mēmet etiam dō tibi inūtilem. cum corde discēdēs meō, sed perpetuō Ionathae mementō.